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Using License

Permission is permitted to make one copy of the contents (information or software) on Feary Providers website for personal, semi viewing only. This is a license, not a grant of title, and you may not do any of the following: Modify or copy the content;

Use the contents for any business or public exhibition purpose.

If you breach any of these restrictions, your license will instantly terminate, and Thrive Agency may terminate this license at any time. You must destroy any copied materials in your control, whether in online or on paper format, upon completing your access of these materials or this license.


Feary Providers and it’s included for not be responsible for any injury (including, without restriction, impacts for data loss or revenue, or damages for outage) arising out of the use or incapability to use the components on Feary Providers, even if Feary providers’ authorized spokesperson has been made aware orally or in writing of the potential of such destruction. These limits may not apply to you because some countries do not allow conditions on implied terms or liability for circumstance that can cause damages.